Friday, January 18, 2008


"You are getting too old for this..." Original Oil Painting, 16x20" FOR SALE

Lately I have been making it a point to paint every day, whether I am in the creative 'mood' or not... So every day I will be doing a painting, for a "painting a day" plan. I will be offering these for sale on EBay both at auction and in my store, which is Equine Art Treasures. I will likely be changing my store name to BranderArt to go along with my website.

I have a ton of commission work and projects that are crowding my studio, but that is a good sign that business is doing well.

EBay sales have been decent, though my long absence from EBay has definitely affected some of my ending prices. However, I do feel my break from selling and painting has given me some renewed energy and focus.

As I get back on track I am have been delighted to find a supplier of EXCELLENT quality gallery wrapped canvases, so I will be able to provide my art on higher quality supports and in Larger sizes.

I am also looking at having them custom make for me ACEO sized canvases or panels to paint on.