Some of life's biggest Treasures come in SMALL packages!

For quite some time I have been painting small mini paintings called ACEOS. An ACEO is an Artist Trading card, or a painting or work of art that is the size of a baseball card.
For me these small paintings are a way for me to test out ideas for paintings and see how they sell on Ebay without spending a lot of money on large canvas supports. Also, even when I am too busy to paint, or at least tell myself I am, I can usually create one ACEO painting or sketch. Keeping me creative every day.
So these are a few of the small mini paintings I have done recently...
As a matter of fact it was these small paintings that showed me that people would enjoy looking and and purchasing nude paintings I make. So as a test, I made some and listed them for .99 they sold better than expected, and I also shed some of my inhibitions as an artist.
Sometimes these small paintings are my Biggest Teachers in art. I experiment with palette knives, color combinations, positions, subjects... and it gives me an indication of what to paint in larger format.