Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Picking up where I left off...

"Hot and Cold"
11x16" Original Oil Painting
FOR SALE on Ebay
Sometimes it seems that when I want to get serious about my Art, life makes other plans and I have to push it back to the back burner. However, the last few months have been rather interesting artistically.

With the economy being poor, and jobs scarce, when our store closed we had no income and no jobs. So I picked up the brush and got on Ebay and began to sell my art again. I am very blessed to own my own home outright so that our living expenses are very minimal and that helpsm because in a poor economy, luxuries like fine art can suffer.

I have probably been more productive as an artist than I have ever been, learning a new medium sculpture, and going back to acrylics for a while and being reunited with the oil paints I so dearly love. Being a professional artist is hard, you never really know how people are going to react to the art you have created, so in a sense, you bare your soul for the world to judge.

In the past few days I have considered how grateful I am to have a skill that allows me to survive, all the while, getting to do what I love, painting and creating.

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